I am your partner in designing and developing organizations, teams, and individuals.
Effectively, substantially, and with the necessary sensitivity, I support in expanding areas of action, seizing opportunities for shaping, developing sustainable structures, and implementing necessary adjustments. This enables you to be active, successful, and sustainably effective.
About me
As a certified systemic consultant and coach, I offer extensive experience in solution-oriented support. Born in 1982, I belong to the older cohort of the so-called Generation Y, combining expertise and leadership skills from both internal and external perspectives with creative thinking and action. After completing my studies in Social Sciences (Dipl.) with a focus on Business Psychology, Sociology, Labor Law, and Business Administration, I embarked on the rather traditional HR career path before deciding, starting in 2015, to pursue my passion for learning organizations on a freelance basis as well.
Areas of focus in recent years:
Systemic consulting, facilitation, and coaching (certified by DBVC)
Relationship-oriented organizational development (certified in:stability, Hannover)
(Online) moderation of workshops, team development, and meetings
Psychological safety and empowering leadership
Cognitive flexibility and bias awareness
Developing corporate culture and team culture
Organizational constellations and structural constellations
Customer-oriented quality management (certified according to LQW)
Potential and personality assessments (e.g., certified with Stärkenkompass, PI, MMI)
HR strategies
Coaching for executives and high potentials
Art and body-oriented coaching (e.g., following PEP®)
Languages: German and English

You have a goal that you want to achieve, but don't know where to start? Let me advise you. Take a look at the list of my services below and contact me if you have any questions or specific requirements.

The change competence of organizations is a crucial prerequisite for success in times of rapid market development. Reconstructing the organization proactively while ensuring necessary stability in performance processes is the central challenge for those involved. I support you in designing a thoughtful process where current drivers of change, such as digitalization, and trends like agility, are translated and implemented in alignment with your strategic objectives. Recent project focuses include the development of strategies and structures that emphasize initiative, transparent communication, and effectiveness.
HR Strategies and organization
Strategies are purposeful interventions to achieve an attractive future vision that addresses your current challenges and provides traction for all stakeholders. This is especially true for the Human Resources areas, which find themselves in the midst of diverse internal and external demands. Evolving markets and target groups increase the requirements for all HR decision-makers. Whether you are expanding, downsizing, or developing your team, I support you in designing the appropriate structures and processes, communication channels, and collaborations for your organization.
Personality development
Leadership ability means future viability. Leadership is a crucial lever in organizations for meaningful interventions, if not the most decisive one. Appropriate leadership structures, efficient processes, and effective collaboration among all leading forces determine success or failure in a company. The 21st century, with its changing environmental conditions, requires new forms of leadership: agility, collaboration, self-organization, and network-oriented work. Strengthen and empower your executives with me to meet these challenges with competence and enthusiasm.

Here is a selection of some of the recent projects I have supported as a systemic consultant

Expansion of self-organization
How does a newly formed group evolve into a team that autonomously strives for continuous improvements in value creation, thereby enhancing its own effectiveness and satisfaction? Answer: With a structure tailored to the organization, specifically designed tools, and a good amount of trust, we achieved this within a few months

Healthy performance cultures
Turning a family-oriented startup into a company that combines the highest quality standards with a health-promoting culture happens by fundamentally integrating performance and health. This mindset is then reflected in the new strategies and structures, consistently and comprehensively.

Leading in a postmodern organization
Leadership can be shaped within the tension of skilled labor requirements, the VUCA world, and new organizational forms by employing convincing, human-centered leadership skills along with relieving and supportive methods that benefit both leaders and employees.
Win-Win is possible.